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No rsvps to my email?

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terambulan | 15:06 Tue 02nd Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
How come the responses to my Qs haven't been recorded to my email?


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because, along with the search facility, the email notifications arent working and havnt been for a couple of weeks.
I havn't had any from my question this morning either.
I am glad it is not working, it just clogs up my inbox!!!
Not sure about your Q, but if you read ED's blog he does explain that the system is running on what he calls life support at the moment, so most will be ignored I'm afraid. Like me and a lot of others you'll have to wait until the revamped answerbank is ready to use.
I've been getting the email notifications for my threads. Weird.
Weird indeed!

I think if you post in the other cats, you get a notification.
Try sports.... I dare you!

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No rsvps to my email?

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