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daneswalk | 23:44 Fri 05th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
hey mrs chappie you got it in one last night you had them all wondering how you knew my first name from the clues you have try and guess the second name


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hi danes
i hope i didnt offend you last nite

how you doing


xxx ?

tina xxxxxxxx

well guess not

dave xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

i lve the name dave tho xxxxxxxxx
Question Author
no you didnt offend me just confused as to what i had put in my question dont worry about it i happen to be good kind and forgiven at least so im told at work i was called brave dave dont know why you are wrong with winston
ok hun

im forgiven person too xxxxxxxxxxx

lv to tina xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dave Walker? ;-)
Question Author
hi likitu you got it in one now the whole world knows who they are talking to however am i real am i really who i say i am
Ace! Do I get some choccies as a reward? LOL
Hello Dave, how the devil are you???????
Question Author
hi haukola i am fine in fact never felt better just looked up the euro lottery have 3 numbers and one star dont know how much i will get but i would think maybe about twenty quid still raining here
Jinkys,lucky old you eh?
Question Author
how is it money comes to you late in life answers on a postcard please now you know that the grouse bottle is nearly empty
What do ya mean late in life?????
You`re a spring chicken.
Helloooooo Dave!

If I remember correctly, I got it in one first time in that previous post, didn't I buddy?

And I'm still waiting for some more of your stories that'll make me hair curl! [:o)

Nice to "see" you on here, BTW. x

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