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can't afford it!

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cazz218 | 15:45 Thu 24th Mar 2005 | Motoring
10 Answers
why can't i afford an Audi Quattro TT when i really want one ?? 


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i really want one too! i work for Audi and i still cant afford one!
i want a ferrari
don't bother they are overrated

Get it in black if you get one :D best colour defo, forget silver! everyone gets it in silver.

I would agree with iceman, dont bother, daring design, but ruined by the handling 'modifications' and way too expensive anyway.
 im in the similar boat, i really wanted one but the insurance was as nearly 2 grand "yuk" so i didnt bother
the answer cazz is that life is a bitch
I feel the same way, but i want an Aston Martin DB9.
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guess i'll just have to make do with a green corsa and a dream for the time being !!!
I know how you feel, I really want a Mitsubishi L200, but can't afford one, so I will just have to make do with my trusty Vectra until I win the lottery! 

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can't afford it!

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