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netibiza | 21:05 Thu 31st Mar 2005 | Site Suggestions
5 Answers
This is purely a hyperthetical question - I am not a master criminal.  If someone on AB admitted that they had committed an awful crime and the police read it - would AB give out your private details?? Now I'll get on with my harmless knitting.


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I think it would not be necessary because the police have ways of finding you, or at least finding which computer you are logging on from.
Omg Has anyone seen the headline in the International Tribune? "Ibiza shock! Woman murders husband with knitting needle through neck. Also pulls wool over eyes"
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graemer - more like Woman murders fellow ABer!!

Anyone seen the news? It's just been announced that someone put the Pope out of his misery by strangling him with a ball of wool.

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Indiesinger I will not admit to anything (mutters "where does that indiesinger live? now for a new ball of wool")

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