yep hanks ice loose connection thankfully it is working fine between hot spell in Australia the cold here and the heat when in hosp my temperature tolerance is low so it is on quite a lot mind you not all night!!!
Am back to work tues so it will be all steam ahead and return to old routines!!
Hi all, thanx for ur answers. I have a really hot electric over-blanket all night and the CH comes on at 7-10am and 8-12pm. And the log fire throughout, when it's cold like today.
Yep, visitors have gone. I love seeing them but relieved when they go.
It doesn't cost a fortune to keep your heating on continuous in very cold weather.You use more to heat everything up again after being off all night .Just turn thermosat down a bit overnight so house is kept warm and have boiler properly serviced .I have done a check on this and much cheaper to run it continuous in very cold weather.I don't like heating in my bedroom but as door is left open in the day it takes chill off the bedroom.