Two of my three cats are Maine/C they have a lovely nature and are so gentle not a bit aggressive.They have to be groomed everyday otherwise their coat gets mattered.They have a undercoat which is like cotton wool so you can understand the need for grooming [something they have to get used too when kittens] My other cat was a alley cat who adopted us and both Mickey and Rooney never had a wrong word with him or fights ect.They can be very verbal which is so endearing of the breed.My boys are getting on now, they are indoor cats and will only venture out during the summer when we sit in the garden.They stay with us and have no interest in leaving the garden.Infact Rooney is round my neck now while I am typing and looking at my movements.Good luck in your choice, but is it is a Main/C you will not regret it,they are such lovable beauties.g.