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well **** this

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wonkon-wonk | 23:47 Tue 09th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
i feel like i'm in fancy dress.............. night all


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ight won kiningg

right hand or is it left


well i have left xxxxxxxx .nite hun
sorry the
key board is acting strange



strange i mean it xxxxxxx
It's my whole computer, monty - not just the keyboard. : (
My scrolling is getting jerky now.... ;-(
you look after
as im homer


i m ean less

i my god key board fck up

i mean homeless sispson

o my god i mean

homer simpson xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
weres the

f o o d

i m s t a r v i ng xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ha ha ha ha!!!! That was a beauty, monty!!! x
lol...wish I could do that!!!
hu ng ary

need to bite now

o my god were.s me teeth

need solisd food

pasta help me plese

as pese soup is



not sayingh

plese help

sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttt xx
Are you answering me pasta!!! Grrr....texts won't send to your phone!!!!

And yes - I thought that was one of monty's best!

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well **** this

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