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Where would we be???!!!

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vandersam | 11:20 Wed 10th Dec 2008 | Music
10 Answers
Imagine music wasn't different would the world be!! Boy bands would never have roamed the earth and Britney would be nothing but a hooker. Just imagine......


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Peace and quiet!
What's that?
can you really imagine no music, how could that ever be??? Even sat here now I have a tune in my head
James blunt could have been leading our troops in Iraq or Afghanistan. SCARY!!!!!!!!!!
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quite possibly.....

Elvis would have worked in Burger King
Michael Jackson would still be black
Tina Turner would have probably gone away for murdering her husband
Take That would be carpenters
Simon Cowell would be NOTHING!
TV adverts would be more rubbish than they are now......

The list is endless!
If Take That would be carpenters, who would the Carpenters be??
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Or electricians!
yeah but Karen Electrician doesn't have the same ring to it :)
Id be jobless and bored stiff - what a dull world it would be

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Where would we be???!!!

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