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ive never ......................

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legend.isgod | 02:34 Fri 12th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
ive never smoked a pipe

should i ?


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Oh god no - they smell foul - but you could always clear the yellow cloud by lighting one up!!
Does that make you want to put it in your pipe and smoke it??? Lol!
only if you get some really lovely smelling tobbaco......there is some!!
Cough, splutter, choke! Most pipe tobacco's vile in my opinion - and the breath of anyone smoking from a pipe...eewwww! : (
Roll with mirth at that one Chuck!! i was referring to the gross stuff you buy in shops though!!
Why would you want too? YUK!
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As a teenager I tried one with a friend - to save money on cigarettes really.
All our friends gathered round and thought it a great idea.
Until we turned green and ran for the toilets!!

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