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Going into a pub on your own Ladies??

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puddicat | 23:28 Fri 12th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
I am meeting up with the guys from work next week at a rather large pub,and feeling nervous about going in on my own,its one of those open plan places,anyone else feel the way i do???


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Be the guys get the drinks in. Hope they've got the manners to look out for you.....else rip into them!
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We are turning up early, at sixish i will turn up at say 6.15 and hope others have arrived before i make my grand entrance lol!!!
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tera theres only going to be 3 guys there,one 20,24 27 years of age!!!
I regularly go in coffee shops on my own though that's a bit different I guess.

I'm quite happy to sit on my own and people watch while waiting for people, just make sure you won't be waiting too long or have something to occupy you like texting people
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no i wouldn`t are meeting people there.if it was a case of going to the pub on my own know then i would be nervous.but it isnt something i would do anyway.


1 20

1 24
1 27

my birthday this mo th

id be right among em

just walk in spot em

and say hi guys im here

wats on the menu the nite

oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo lllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
just ask one of them to meet you at the door. I'd be just the same.
Hi sara.
Easy...just get them to meet you outside
or-text them to come out and meet you as you are being followed...hehee
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Thanks sara you get some useless replies dont you!!!
hey Jayne :o)

I was seeing a man a few years back, and we met in a bar. he was there first. I walked in a couldn't see him, strolled up and down trying to look very casual.. he phones my mobile, "I can see you!" "well I can't see YOU!" "I like that dress!" etc etc.. I nearly shouted at him!
puddi, they can't all be as good as us ;o)
I will quite happily walk into a bar on my own, no probs but i understand you might be nervous about it hun.
I had to go into a Celtic / Rangers bunch of footy fans pub. I had a few bits to do in town and my fiance went ahead to watch the match. I went along to catch the second half and trying to find him was impossible. There were roughly 5 women in a sea of men.

Just mingle till you find who you're looking for.

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Going into a pub on your own Ladies??

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