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Why is it ...........................................

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legendis.god | 14:05 Sat 13th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
Why is it that i am what folk would call the main feature of chatterbank?

And without me within it there wouldn't be the same atmosfear?

Can anyone explain my popularity or not as it is not simple for me to understand ?

And can you be both positive and negative whilst being impartial?

As i do not know if you can or cant , do you ?


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you are atractive to me?
er, how is that, run that by me again.,
Question Author
kyleggy i cant explain at the moment.

neti i am , you just dont realise it yet.

chillout and it will come to youuuuuuuuuu

thanks for the input though : 0)

allwight ?
legendsgod, your only the main feature of chatterbank in your own little mind in your own little world that revolves around a website. Its actualy kind of sad when you really think about it. =0(.
mmmm perhaps its cause youve the biggest
Question Author
And your answer to the question isnt really relevant is it?

Sorry you couldnt be more helpful daisy

where are the... Folk ....that say you are the main feature of chatterbank?
is it a bit early for them?

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Kyleggy do not be like that as ive still got my birthday card from you.

Ya big powder puff : 0)
Alright I give up, I expect it is trouser-fillingly funny, but who is kyleggy? I won't be able to relax until I know.
erm interesting post leggy
now let methinks.........................pmsl !
its his imaginative friend lol
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A simple tug of the hair gets the required response on here.
Though the lack of response thru other media would seem to suggest not only a softening of attitude but also an inbuilt fear of interaction due to a strong attraction that cannot be expresssed publicly due to fear of discovery.

How sad to feel so trapped.

Perhaps one day there will be enough bottle , without needing the bottle ?
Oh good, that explains it all, but somehow I suspect there were a lot of wrong words in the wrong order.
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Btw did i say?
So are you a Folk legend then?
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Kyleggy i may be.

Then again?�?�?

Whos to say?

Methinks its a posssibility mate
-- answer removed --
Have a rummage in the sawdust knobby, you might find the missing bricks.

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