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'Mornin all

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terambulan | 05:55 Sun 14th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Start the day off for you with some good news: my car is being fixed at 10am today - on a Sunday!

Miracles do happen!


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Morning hope the car makes a full recovery !!
and not too expensive's very cold and foggy
here ..have a good day ....
morning all
Morning teram & everyone xxx
Good morning all
Hope the car is okay terambulan. Very cold and foggy here too at the moment but I have to go out unfortunately. Have a great day everyone
Hi trambulan , couldn't you sleep ? That is a miracle to find someone to fix your car on a Sunday , hope it's not too tough on your pocket hun :-) xxx
Oooops ...dropped your e here it is e*
ahh, you can't beat a Sunday morning service!
Yay! for Sunday service... hope it's not going to pull on those purse strings tho. ( not that I'm assuming you carry a purse! :p)

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'Mornin all

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