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Christmas past

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tiggerblue10 | 22:20 Mon 15th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
When I was little my family and I used to go to my great-aunts for a very large gathering. We don't do that anymore as everyone has grown-up and got faimlies of their own. Christmas doesn't seem to be Christmas anymore.

What things do you miss about your childhood at Christmas?


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As we grow older and get more cynical christmases past seem to have been so good, it is too materialistic nowadays and if the children are no longer little the magic seems to disapear along with their childhood
you shouldn't leave milk out for the reindeer
it upsets their tummy's
got a houseful for xmas , dont know if i want to :( or :) will let you know , anyway merry xmas and happy new year to you all XX . will get back before if i have time . if i dont see zig , give him my best wishes .and tell him the key is under the pot :)
zig !! meerkat or what ? lol .
take it all your sisters are coming with their broods shanx lol

you have a good one

and er!!!! i know where the key is x ;-)
Have a good one shanx.

Untrue, ziggy. Been doing it for the past few years, and the reindeer still come back for more. : )
bit stressed now zig , what have i let myself into ? ahhhh !
you to ice and pasta . xx
i'm sure you'll have great company xmass shanx

after all , what's family for lol x

hope you and your fam have a good one too ice x

infact, i wish everyone a merry christmass ,and the best new year they ever had :)
got one of those blow up things you can sleep on zig , if you pop in , OH!, sorry i mean blow up bed , not doll . ;)

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Christmas past

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