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Drisgirl | 02:47 Tue 16th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
I have no clue about you but what made you comment on my family?
You have no right to even second guess-you have no clue and as a mother to another mother please dont.

I doubt you and I hope that others do -you are not genuine -you made a statement about me tonight out the blue -dont comment on my life -ever...................

The rest of you make you own minds up -but like me or loathe ME -Im just me thankfully the peeps who 'know ; and like me,trust ,me as I am me and I dont like fakes and again I woudnt ever ever pass judgement on anyones life.
Its just not right


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is that puddicat or pudicat?
I think it was indeed puddicat, 4get.
I think it's an on-going thing.
Is there an imposter ?
ah right well I will go on another thread then. I;m sure we can all make up our own minds about people as has been said, I like both

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