Man -me and him both -never exepcted it but I so wanted it, I swear I bounced around the living room -at last real sport has been recognised -wooo hoooooooooooooooo !!-! xxxx
Yep, I hoped Hoy would get it but I thought Hamilton would so I was delighted that the general public got it right for once. Hamilton will probably win more titles and he'll get it in the future.
I mean one year Carl foggarty had just won his 3rd WSB title and they gave it to Tiger Bleeding Tim who's never won owt! Made my bl00d boil at the time. Still I think that now it's picked by the public it's a lot fairer than having the suits behind the scenes pick it. Well assuming the vote isn't rigged anyway!
The Cycling team where bl00dy magnificent and where rightly recognised.
Very true -big up to everyone who voted -its not true that the Scots hate the English really -do you not think its just one of those Urban Myth type things.I have fab friends in England and lovely English cousins.
I recorded it so think i'll watch it again tonight -what a saddo lol