Does anyone have any traditions that they keep to on Christmas Eve? I used to always go to the night service at my local church but since moving house thats not possible. My mum always got me a new pair of pjs for christmas eve and still does.
If you are going for the book idea, i think this si a very good one for a young child - still a favourite in our house, though they do pretent that they are far too old for it - amazing how it keeps landing at the top of the pile though!
When I was little, we used to go for a walk round the neighbourhood and count the Christmas trees we could see, as well as looking out for Santa, it was so good! It was to 'tire us out so we'd sleep tonight'.
Years later, my parents explained that it was because Dad was bringing all the presents out the loft, to the cupboard under the stairs...and how did Mam know he was done? He turned the living room light on. That was their code!