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Good Morning :)

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Eve | 07:43 Sun 21st Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Am up waaaay to early for a sunday as have mum coming to stay, taking her to see Elton John later.

Is it just be who gets neurotic about mums staying lol :)

Remove all traces of takeaway...check.

Try and maintain illusion you really did inherit her neat freak gene...erm...still working on that one :)

Hope everyone has a lovely day :) xxx


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Getting drunk by the sounds of things :o/

I know, I have a friend here this weekend not from Aberdeen, I didn't realise just how much I don't look at in my own City until I was showing him. Some really beautiful buildings.
Lakitu, It's true isn't it! ummm is down, hope she's o.k.
Morning all,

Lazy sunday morning at the moment, hollyoaks and coffe :)

Off out shortly though so not a complete lazy day. Nope I don't get worried about parents coming over to my place, they never come over :)

Lakitu, that looks loverly, hope you have a good day.
Oh sorry, I didn't know she was down, I assumed it was a continuation from a night out or something.

Awww ummm, hope you're OK x
Good morning everyone.

Lakitu that looks fab. Hope the weather stays nice for you.

The cat vwoke me at 6.30 bless her (not). She had two breakfasts then went back up to bed leaving me wide awake but not bushy tailed. Oh well I soppose I'd better get myself moving.

Have a nice day with your mum Jenna

Have a good day folks
Damn! Got to go. I hope umm is o.k too :0(
Bye everyone, take care xxx
Morning jenna and everyone.
Hope you enjoy your concert.
I am so ill 2day with flu can't get out to do any shopping at all but then I can't be doing with the crowds either.
Just been to ASDA to stock up on soup , Beechams all -in-one , and Lucazade , there's one rather fluey son here , well not yet sure if it's flu or a bad cold but he's been in contact with a lot of real flu people so I'll see how he is later and tomorrow .
I'm ok...........thanks for the concern. I'm not drunk yet but will be later xxx
O.k ummm xxx

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