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Dead rising

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joeisgreat64 | 17:02 Tue 16th Dec 2008 | Video Games
4 Answers
Is dead rising a good game? If it is I am goin to get it.


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It's fun enough, but it does get repetitive very quickly. I found it quite frustrating as there's too many zombies most of the time and the limited amount of time you have means you feel like you're being pushed through the game quite quickly. There's also too much emphasis on using your camera over other items which gets dull after a while.

That said, it's great fun attacking zombies with just about everything you can lay your hands on - lawnmowers, bowling balls, plants, golf clubs, buckets etc etc

I'm guessing you're looking at the 360 version, if you don't have an HDTV then leave it well alone. The text becomes tiny and unreadable and you need to be able to read it for the game to make any sense.

It's so cheap pre-owned now that it would be a worthy addition to anyone's game collection, but it's not perfect.
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I agree with cakeboy, ive got a std tv and trying to read the text is very frustrating, you cant save the game when you like which i find annoying as well, its an ok game, ive got it but still havent played much of the game as i just cant be bothered to play it, if i do play it its just to kill the zombies, you could buy it and try it as you can get it so cheap now.
The game is a lot of fun, although it needs more save points really.

Get it for under 10 quid and its a must have!

I cannae really add to anything the other guys said really, the game has alot of legs though for lastability as you get rewarded for completing the game numerous times.

I hear that Left 4 Dead is one of the best zombie games right now however..ot.
dead rising for real

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