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wasn't Mel Gibson goprgeous in Bird On A Wire?

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dot.hawkes | 01:00 Sun 28th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Nice arse, very aussie accent still, he was a looker


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Mad as a box of frogs now though. and almost a midget!
you're right dot, but he lost it for me when he did his anti-semitic rantings..
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Oh no I've never given up on him, he's a great movie maker, lacks a bit in the political arena, good job he doesn't do that for a living, but he's cool
I can see Sara's point of view about his anti semitic rantings, but if I spent half an hour with him, ranting would be the last thing on his mind!!!!
Dont you mean Mel Gibbon Dot?
My wife (who is 84) has this picture pasted onto our freezer!
Tim was one of his first films. Pq33a_l.jpg
I remember that film mr.veritas, your missus has got good taste never mind her age, we can all dream can't we!
I switched off that film as soon as I seen he was in it, I cannot stand him

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wasn't Mel Gibson goprgeous in Bird On A Wire?

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