i didn't know they couldn't. We have 3 dogs and they eat fresh turkey and chicken with no problems. In fact, i think the dog food they are eating at the moment is turkey and rabbit.
My vet actually advised me to feed my Golden Retrievers on cooked chicken because he had a dodgy digestive system. I had to feed him boneless, cooked chicken and boiled rice for 12 weeks in the end, which did him no harm at all! In fact both my dogs had a treat tea last night as I has a spare coked chicke. I mix it with a few of there kibble biscuits and they wolf it down! No adverse effects at all. I am aware that dogs should not have grapes and chocolate, but never heard about chicken!
my friend's jack russel was a really fussy eater and she would only eat plain cooked chicken, and maybe some dry mixer biscuits if she felt inclined. she lived to 15, so she was obviously a healthy dog. i agree, as long as you don't give them the bones it should be fine.
Also i read that you shouldn't feed dogs grapes or raisins, but i don't know why not
apparently the problem with turkey skin is the high fat content....this according to the ASPCA....so cook it down to crispy and drain the fat off and no probs
I keep birds of prey and feed them dead day old chicks and other assorted food. My dobermann will do everything he can to get hold of these and eats everything including feet.
He isa picture of health even though he has got such a disgustng habit - he likes them frozen best!!!!!