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so so easy innit?

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legendis.god | 23:51 Mon 29th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
16 Answers
It's so easy to laugh,

it's so easy to hate,

t takes guts to be gentle and kind.

Dont you agree?


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But lots of people are like that naturally.
It may not always show....
yes its easy to laugh even at times you ont feel like it.

Not so sure on the hate one I reckon it is hard to hate as it involves a lot of negativity and energy. Really people often hate what they cant face up to or find difficult so in that regard it is hard.

Guts to be easy and kind emm not really its very easy if it is in your nature
Excuse my cynicism....but going by the world we live in.....there aint much about....
I don't see it that way pasta. There are loads of nice, decent people out there. Not everyone hates, or gets a kick out of being unpleasant. Actually, they're the ones who never find a good partner, because they're too tied up in self-loathing.
I suppose 'that '/ 'they' are what i meant when i said it may not be easy to show. i making sense here???...there IS goodness..but it is hidden
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LOL !! mwaaahahahaaaa!
Hey - but knobby - lol - perhaps he's NOT like that really??? Maybe he'd like to be friendly..........????
i still dont agree with taking guts to be kind so often it is easier to bite your tongue to prevent an arguement. If the people around you are nice and kind then it is easy to show your kindness. Some feel vulnerable when showing their gentle side and if this gets knocked it may be hard for them to show it again
Forgot to answer mummy pasta!!! Smirk.
No...not making any sense at all! Runs. : )
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Is that your thought of the evening knobby? ; )
pasta leaves the thread...
Eh? What? Are you sulking with me pasta????? : )
evening legend whiffy would have liked this one

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so so easy innit?

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