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have we done a thread about The Sales?

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joggerjayne | 10:07 Tue 30th Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
37 Answers
... yet?


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Carmel in California, USA.
gosh.. what time is it with you, Queenie?
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Carmel? Aww, fab.

How's Clint?
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In California it's about 4.50 in the morning.
I know.. an early start for Queenie, methinks ;o)
nice to know someone has �300.00 to spend on a coat.
yes, good for you Jayne.. a hard-working year, I'm sure x
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It wasn't for me. That would have just been indulgent. It was for my mum.
has Queenie gone back to bed?
I got an A3 laminator in the sales, 44.00 instead of 200.00.
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Probably gone to see if the Sales have started, LOL.

Maybe the shops in California open at 5am.
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Hey, Pru, that would be ...

... erm ...

... useful ??

It has been resonably busy, I've not bought much yet, just a leather travel documents wallet with a diamente clasp and a leather covered address book, both 70% off.
I have my eye on a Red Herring navy wool coat but it's stil �56 (30% off0 and so I've hung it on one of my shoe rails in the hope it hovers there til Blue Cross at the weekend lol (I get discount on top too)
Couldn't possibly live without one JJ, Finest wishes to you for the new year, may it be your best ever, Prudentia xxx
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Well, Pru, if I need any A3 presentation documents laminating, I'll know who to ask.

J x
I'm sure Queen A said she was in Canada once......
Don't worry about it Bathsheba, she also said she was 11 once, then quickly retracted that one too ;-)

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have we done a thread about The Sales?

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