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Does anyone know how Mr. Pickle is?

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mrs.chappie | 22:45 Wed 31st Dec 2008 | ChatterBank
15 Answers
I thought I read on here, IAP was not very well. Does anyone know if he is okay?


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oh I hadnt heard, I hope he is okay !!!
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I hope so too, weeal.
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Thanks Knobbs. I thought I read that he had gone into hospital.
I was just thinking of him today mrs.c.....I heard a few weeks ago that he was in hospital......... :-(( I do hope he was able to be home for Xmas.
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Me too pasta. I'm very fond of Mr. Pickle.
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was chased off here miss u pickle!!!
I vaguely remember him saying he was leaving- something/someone had upset him, but i can't remember the details. Shame- he was a lovely bloke x
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Chased off? Are you joking puddi?
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didnt he say he wasnt going to come back on this site ever!!!
He was a decent guy!!!
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I'm with you on this one Knobbs, I can't figure out why Mr. Pickle would leave the site, over what was said on those threads. I can understand why he might have been upset, but on here you just have to shrug it off, don't ya?

I have to admit I chuckled when Whiffey said he (Whiffey) has left the site many times, hoping for the sympathy vote, but he never got it.

I'm sure I read somewhere though, Mr. Pickle had been taken into hospital. I hope his neighbour will read this (or even better, Mr. Pickle himself) and let us know he is okay.

I think it's a shame when a good contributor stops posting. I also have a fondness for Mr. Pickle, as he and I both worked as telephonists in a telephone exchange.

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Does anyone know how Mr. Pickle is?

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