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Alan Davies

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eash | 22:48 Thu 01st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
I reckon he would be good as the next Dr Who, what do you think?


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eash maybe,watching him in jonathan creek!!!
I think he's cute ;-)
is that the guy wi the curly hair and the speech impediment, I kinda like him
He's not being very amusing, he's taking it too seriously
I dont like him, he is one of those "funny" men who is miserable in real life
is he cazzz, och that wont do

what about Michael McIntyre - he's funny lol
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I'm watching JC too which made me think he would be a good Dr :-)
michael mcIntyre was funny on graham norton the other night :D
eash wouldnt you tell the police that the girl was missing a bit far fetched!!!
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Yeah true but dramatic license! lol
not as far fetched as that stuart little!
The scary woman with the bad perm looks dead, was she in Within These Walls or something?
Hi dot regonise from alot of things but cant remember what progs she has been in always upper class parts though!!!
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Who is the woman with the massive boobs on JC? I recognise her from somewhere but can't think where....
lol, the guy used a volvo estate to pick up the ransom money, how bizarre!!!

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Alan Davies

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