hi bazzard
try this for conditioning your eyelashes, its called TALIKA LIPOCILS.
its a gel that comes in a white mascara type barrell and brush.
its great.
months ago my eyelashes were getting really sparse and brittle and not looking very good attall.
i posted on here for any suggestions and someone kindly suggested the above.
i read up on the reviews and decided to give it a whirl by buying some off ebay. i think it was about �12 for 10ml.
mines lasted me 9 months now and its still going well.
when i first got it i applied it a couple or more times a day as i was desperate for good results! but now i just apply it at night after cleaning my face before bed.
my lashes are now back in good condition again, and have been for a while now and are reasonably thick and long too.
its nice to be able to make my eyes up nice again, whereas before, it was hard work. (i dont apply it before mascara by the way as i find the mascara doesnt work very well)
try it, im sure you will be impressed, i was/am.