Help with my mobile phone contact in The AnswerBank: Business & Finance
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Help with my mobile phone contact

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AJustCause | 15:03 Sat 03rd Jan 2009 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
Hi , Ive currently got a t-mobile 18 month combi package which i am 6 months though im paying 30� a month and im struggleing with the payments i work party time and i never pay on time i end up paying hundreds of pounds of band charges becuase i can never afford to pay my contact on time can anyone help me...ive tried reading the mobile phone contact but it all seems jargon to me ...i want to be rid of the mobile phone contract or some way of making it cheaper can anyone help me?
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there is mst probably not any way at all. Thats why its called a contract. You agree to pay them and they agree to provide a service. It's not their fault you can't pay. you could ring t mobile to see if you could go on a cheaper contract but i dont hold out much hope for them saying yes. They run their business on the assumption that you (and people like you) will give them a guarunteed income for the next 18 months, so are unlikely to want to change it
Well, you signed a contract for 18 months so thats what youre locked in to. You could try talking to the company to see if they'll put you on a different tariff but you really should have known whether you could afford it when you signed up.

Can't you do more hours at work to earn more? If you default you'll find it hard or impossible to get credit in the future - and this means when you try and rent or buy a property, or buy a car etc etc etc you'll be turned down. Try and find the extra money if possible.
As has been said, you're almost certainly stuck with the contract you went in for. The only thing to do is to make sure that you pay the �30 every month, even if that leaves you short for other things. If you are paid into your bank account (and if not, why not?) then what you HAVE to do is arrange a standing order or direct debit so that the money for the phone is taken out before you have a chance to spend it. It's hard, I know, but it's the only way. Oh, and when the contract is up make sure you stick with the phone you've got and switch to pay as you go.

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