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It's oh so quiet.....

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Eve | 22:06 Sun 04th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
is anyone there?


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Hi mamma....I suspect everyone else has already fallen asleep.......back to work and all that-lol
I'm still awake! I should really settle down ready for work tomorrow. I don't want my holiday to end though :(
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Yuk! Sensible routine :(
I've only just come on here, tired after last nights marathon thread with cab!
I work part worked over the holiday period......and now i still have 2 days off ahead of me. Sorry everybody!
Still watching House in case anyone's interested.... My life is pure hedonism combined with rock 'n' roll.
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I love House, could sit and watch it all day and sometimes have :)
Hiya folks, I'm here,not been on much over Christmas and New Year as I have had the dreaded bug. Back to work for me on Tuesday the 6th. Today is nearly over but it is my birthday and apart from my Facebook friends most of my family have forgotten, as they do most years. Anyone with a birthday so soon after Christmas suffers the same,so anyones birthday tomorrow the 5th Jan have my very best wishes.
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Awww puss :( did you see the fb cb site?

Hope you've had a good one anyway x
Oh puss, that's awful, how could they all forget? and you being poorly too! Happy Birthday for tomorrow, at least you have a day off tho, go treat yourself in the sales!
Yes saw that Jenna, and I replied.
Well happy birthday puss_boots. Mine was on 29th December, and it seems ages gone already.
Evening all....are things going to perk up a bit now. ??
Happy Birthday Puss! Know how you feel, it's mine on Friday and when I mention it, everyone just groans and can't be bothered. Great innit? Anyway you try and have a good one. xxx
Hiya puss- nice meal?
There's a birthday thread on here for you somewhere.
Visi- you're in the dungeon with me + Bensmum!! Yay!! xxxx
Let's hope when the Ed comes back off his break tomorrow he'll release you Invisible , along with Bathsheba and bensmum .
I'm going to bed now before I slide off this chair . Night night all xxxxx
Nite mamma, sleep well xx

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It's oh so quiet.....

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