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It's ok, I can die now...

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dot.hawkes | 23:52 Sun 04th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
I've finally found my wedding dress in the attic, thought it had been left in the attic at the old house or thrown away by accident and i had been getting agitated about it, i am being buried in that dress............ what a relief to have found it. : ))

It's a size 8, I like to have something to aim for .


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I'm not bothered about dying, so long as I see my children grow up and be settled first, but it's HOW I'm going to go that worries me. : (
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probably about 20 - 25 , my mum died at 72 and both my grandmas at 75 . I would like to have time to enjoy being at home and not having to work full time, and i would like to see a few more grandchildren.
Me too Icey - not when but how? Scares me s**tless!!
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Lol @ noknow. Got years in me yet. I'm planning on living until I'm at least 100. They're long -livers on both sides of my family, so here's hoping.......
Just posted on Body & Soul about donating my body to medical science, as I don't want a funeral. If I had to have one, I would like a coffin painted yellow and shaped like a skip.
Brilliant idea! Actually, there are firms which now produce more visually-friendly coffins, in an assortment of colours. Why don't they bury them in an upright position though? It'd save space!

Too right, pips.

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It's ok, I can die now...

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