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bantingm | 15:16 Tue 06th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
ohh starting a new job on monday and feeling very nervous!
is it acceptable to go in on my first day armed with my pencil pot, picture frame and favourite pens etc etc etc, does that seem too keen?! should i wait a day or two?!


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I'd wait a day or two weeks.....
Is this work experience?

Are you still at schoool?
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ha ha ha no!!!!
I wouldn't go in with a load of stuff just yet, people can be quite territorial over office spaces - virtual and actual, and if you start 'claiming' an area you will look a little over-confident and pushy.

Go in nice and quiet - keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth closed, and find out the politics before you start trying to establish yourself.

Remember - a gentle approach is something you can always build on - a brash approach is something you cannot step back from.

Good luck!
That's what I meant but Andy always says it better.....
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andy_hughes..i think you are very right...i know how i would feel if someone started and did such a thing...i need to get to know the office ponder...waht to wear??? hmmmm tricky again...
Suggesting taking a picture frame makes me think you are possibly female. If so, I would suggest putting a few things in your bag (not obviously on display), that would make you feel a bit more comfortable. Such as a couple of spare pens and pencils, a small calculator, tissues, some small change for if there is a vending machine for coffee etc., and a small notebook for things you may wish to remember. If you have these things where they are easily accessible if you need them, would be better than having to ask for them on your first day. It would have been easier to advise you if you had said what kind of a job you will be doing, and any experience you have if any. When I was training girls who were to become secretaries/p.a's. I always advised them to keep a spare pair of tights, as there is nothing worse than being caught out with laddered tights. Don't worry too much, everybody is a bit nervous on their first day in a new job. Wish you all the best, and hope you'll come back to say how your first day went. Good Luck.
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good advice Schutzengel, thank you...

i am just about to start working for a radio station, in the marketting dept...

& yes i am a female...
Take the ghetto blaster, and stick up your Chippendales calendar.

There will be no problems, I can assure you.
Hi banting, That's great, what an interesting job. Next problem - what to wear. Suggest for first day, something neat, and not too flashy. Shoes that are not killer-heels, as you won't know how much standing or running about you are expected to do. Take notice of how the other girls (if any) are dressed, and then you can follow suit. It's always better to be slightly understated than to feel embarrassed by being overdressed. Other than that, just go for it, and enjoy it. And don't be late, ever. Allow a bit of extra time if the weather is bad. Try to build up a reputation for reliability, it will take you a long way. As said before - Good Luck. Schutz.

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