the solution might be to delegate? But that's only if you want a solution - ie you think there's a problem. If I was on honeymoon and my husband was constantly on the phone to work, I'd think there was a problem - but he presumably wouldn't. As far as I'm concerned, you work to live, you don't live to work, but I know not everyone feels that way.
Who tells you you're 'wasting' time? Your parents? (Seriously - maybe they brought you up that way.) What would actually happen if you binned your mobile and went to Mongolia for a week? Is it that you don't like your own company so you don't want to be on your own away from familiar surroundings? (I mean your own companionship rather than your own business.) Are you afraid your business will collapse if you don't attend to it 24/7? Have you simply got nothing else that interests you?
If you're happy, it doesn't really matter. You could say it's lucky you like your job; thousands don't. The only possible downside I could see is if your business did fail in these tough times and you didn't have any fallback, nothing else you enjoyed spending time on, you could find it very hard to adjust. But if you're happy, don't knock it!