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surely this is a mistake and cant be true ????

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legendis.god | 16:37 Wed 07th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
32 Answers
From todays sun.

"What about the residents of Falinge in Rochdale? Out of 4,500, only 300 work, despite hundreds of jobs being available. "

Is that the place in britain with the laziest chavs in britain?

How much do you think the benefits paid there will total?

How much would a cruise misssile with a warhead big enough to takeout the entire village cost?
Weigh up the cost effectiveness of nuking Falinge and saving the taxpayers a fortune.

Well its just a suggestion innit?



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there are plenty more dieing from working with asbestos
Question Author
thanks for the link dotty.

but it seems to backup exactly what the woman in the sun was saying.


THOUSANDS of victims of asbestos-related illnesses are celebrating after a landmark judgement thwarted a bid by insurance companies to stop paying out compensation.

The High Court decision means insurers will continue to be liable for claims totalling billions of pound from some of the 3,000 people who die each year following asbestos exposure.

The total death toll over the next 30 years is expected to hit rise to at least a million - many of them from a type of lung cancer called mesothelioma.

In Rochdale alone, Turner and Newall once employed had 4,000 people working at the world's biggest asbestos factory. Today's judgement was based on six test cases brought by insurance firms companies who wanting to stop paying out compensation to people who develop the disease cancer decades after their they were exposed to asbestos.

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Question Author
Dr filth there probably are a good percentage of them may be ill.

But surely it can be as high as the figures say .

Can it?
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Nowt wront with tat and irse doc.

Is there?
biggest factories were cotton and abestos then we have

Coun Peter Clegg, who represents the Spotland and Falinge ward, said: "I think the biggest problem is the multi-storey flats where people are put when they come from overseas

can you see where the paper is going, are the people who come from another country going to be forced to find a job first

you don't like maggie , can you imagine how the people who have lost loved ones who worked at turners feel ?

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turners also had a place in trafford park
However the days of Turner and Newall were numbered and in 1998 the group was bought by Federal Mogul and a long chapter of Rochdale's industry was closed.

At the time of the takeover the firm faced no fewer than 263,000 claims for industrial injury.

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looking at the figure above , the figure below looks rather small

Figures from the Office of National Statistics revealed 490 of the 1,141 people of working age - 42.9 per cent - are claiming incapacity benefits.

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do you still want to send a cruise misssile with a warhead big enough to takeout the entire village ?
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Question Author
dr i saw dottyslink too though theres a higher amount on than that on the dole .

perhaps a strategic strike?

just a few rows of houses?

i think they had a place down south Knobby ? maybe just an office

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brake linings used to be made with asbestos when putting new one's in . the fitter used to blow the dust away with his mouth. that is why car mechanics catch the same illness.

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surely this is a mistake and cant be true ????

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