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Lets have a laugh

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cab | 15:23 Wed 07th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
71 Answers
Tell us all the funniest things you've done or stories you've heard etc etc, lets brighten up a cold miserable day.


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pmsl at barmaid, that's fantastic!
I have told this before but it tickles me....

A few years ago Mr Nat and I went away with two friends to Cornwall for the weekend, we dropped our bags off and went for a wander round the area when we came to a steep set of stone steps, probably about 20 steps in all. I was wearing jeans over knee length leather boots, and somehow managed to skid and trip forwards down the steps so I was in kneeling position with my legs under me; the denim and leather combo only acted as a sled and I "stair surfed" as Mr Nat put it, down the steps with my arms outstretched, slowing to a stop at the bottom.

I stood up, as elegantly as possible under the circumstances, and realised that I had initially skidded in dog poo which is what made me fall in the first place. What really peed me off was the sign on the lampost right in front of me warning that people caught not scooping the poop will be prosecuted apparently.

And my poor friends tried so hard to be concerned when I knew they wanted to laugh :-(
Oh, and there was another time when I was working in a cheque cashing place at a desk behind a glass screen. I was busy putting through some transaction on the Pcomputer when my office chair suddenly gave way and I ended up sitting on the floor. My friend was in peices and couldn't serve the man she was serving, and all I remember is trying to get up off the floor and having this poor customer's puzzled expression as to where I had disappeared to!
Last weekend at work, my boss offered to serve at my till whilst I got some change from the safe in his office which is located on his floor. As I came back to my till, I was brushing dust off my knees and said...out loud, in front of a queue of customers..."Good God, look at the state of me after being on my hands and knees in your office".
nat i have such a great mental image of you! Boo how many of the customers managed NOT to laugh?
Mate of mine in the carwash. Rollers started come over the bonnet, he realises that radio aeriel is still up. Winds down window, pushes aeriel back, goes to wind window back up, handle comes-off in his hand. Has to wait till wash finish its 1st cycle...He was a bit wet
Not many McFluff- the bloke at the head of the queue was in hysterics.
Errrrrr.... thanks mccfluff - covered in dog poo and always falling over? Yep, thats pretty accurate actually.

I have a worse poo incident Nat.

Went for lunch with a couple of friends and their kids. My friend was trying to eat her meal but her toddler was insisting on walking about. Eventually I (who had finished), said I woudl take him whilst she ate. When she passed him to me she remarked that his nappy needed changing. Now how difficult could that be?!!!

I take said toddler into the disabled loo which contained the changing equipment. he had done the BIGGEST poo ever. It was every where. Not happy about having his nappy changed, he kicks constantly and sh!t literally flies everywhere, pebble dashing the walls, ceiling, floor etc.

Eventually I get him cleaned, changed and dressed. Wash the walls, wipe the floor, scrub my hands and we leave.

All round town that afternoon I could smell poo. It was only later that I realised that the reason for this was a nugget of toddler poo - in my hair.
LMAO - It's amazing far poo can travel barmaid, I have had to scrape it from between the shoulder blades on my little one and from around her neck and feet - and this is while she still has the nappy on!!!
Totally PMSL at some of these stories! :)

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