1. Barbed wire
2.Put the cats out for the night - they're welcome to come & use my garden as a loo, as every other cat in the world does
3. Put a dog on the work surface
4. Move house and don't tell the cats
5. Keep the kitchen door closed so they can't get in
My cats were made wrong then, because they sleep all curled up on a bed, and in this weather venture out to pee and then hot foot it back indoors again.
If my cats jump up when I am trying to cook or prepare food then I flick water at them - it soon makes them clear off, but you can't really do much about itif you are not in the room except keep the doors closed.
mice are only attracted to a house if there are crumbs of food left about, cats are better outside to catch rats, they have fur coats which thicken in winter, unless you molly coddle them and keep them in a centrally heated house all day. Its natural for them to be outdoors, they adapt, a cat can find a warm place to sleep better than most mammals
^^^^^^...unless you want a dead cat.......they are often hit by cars at dawn or dusk.
Its horrible when a neighbour shows up at your door with your cat in a box.
[We've got dogs here that do this. Regrettably the 'pots and pans' booby trap doesn't deter them. All they do is a) get more careful and b) make a heck of a noise when they are nicking the food. (b) is usually too late. By the time we get there, food and dogs are well away! ]
I agree with natalie. Flick a bit of cold water at them. We did that with ours, and they soon got the message. It's very rare to find them up on work surfaces now. I also spray with Dettox to kill any germs.
They don't like citrus so you could clean the surfaces with a citrus cleaner and maybe put a citrus air freshener or pot pourri or similar up there, even a bowl of citrus fruit.
Thank you for all your answers. We have just moved andthe kitchen is open plan so we can't close the door cos there isn't 1!!!!!They only go up on the surfaces when we are all in bed. I always wipe the surfaces first thing with anti-bac spray. Have tried making them stay out of a night but they usually come back about 3am crying to come back in. We don't have any mice either. Thank you all for you help.
Cats should be kept in at night, this is the time that they are more likely to get run over or get fighting with other cats AND get stolen, there are places where lots of cats are disappearing at night, keep them in after dark, they are no longer wild animals.