Morning johnny , I'm late circulating this morning . Morning stompe , no.knowledge , beejay , ummmm , hau kola , singapore , hi and welcome to you . Morning to bensmum , Lakitu, happy birthday sweetie , sara , Rosetta , cab , jen , and funnygirl :-)
Wil do honey , I've got the central heating on . I had a stray dog in my kitchen ...again ....and had to get rid of it back over the garden wall , it took me ages , and had to get my 2 dogs inside out of its way and my way , then try to keep next doors dog from jumping over with all the excitement . Then the stray did its' bits and I had to poop scoop it up ..grrrr...then as I opened my kitchen door to get rid of the poop bag my dogs ran out again to the next doors dog at the wall and it jumped over ....grrrr....the sooner I get a fence put up the better .
Morning Bathsheba honey , it's better than it was thank you sweetie , it's good that it is because I have to go out to pay some bills and get some milk . . xxxxxx