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So you didnt reffer to the scots as something like 'sweaties'? (whatever that means)
NO! I don't know what that means also, please get your facts right.
You say that the guardian is a truth bender-
NO! It is the likes of you that are always accusing certain newspapers of telling lies.Here is what I did say, "it is only true if it is printed in the Guardian or any other far left propaganda sheet".
i think it is reasonable to assume that:
One should never go down that dangerous road of assuming anything, especially when one is addressing the actual points in the subject under discussion, not something addressed in past posts.
you have stated many times how you are very pro british and dont like our resources going to foreigners
NO! What I have stated in the past is that British tax payers who have paid into the system for the benefit of certain resources, should be given first preference, over that of others not vice versa.
I am a firm believer in the saying "charity begins at home"
a donor card stating just for british people is your solution the the 'problem'
NO! My suggestion to anyone who is against the idea, laid down in the article.
can we not infer from that that your own opinion is that you dont want your organs going to foreigners?
As stated previously it is dangerous to assume, infer, bend the truth, or even tell damn lies.
maybe if all this is wrong you could have actually posted an opinion in the first place! or is that to challenging?
At last you are almost there, but there is no MAYBE, it is wrong.
And if I wish to voice an opinion I will do, and I won't find it in the least challenging, unlike you who it seems cannot address anothers post without bending others words or even