Busted split in The AnswerBank: Music
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Busted split

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yellowduck | 13:28 Sat 15th Jan 2005 | Music
8 Answers
Hey, does anyone know where I can see the coverage of the conference in which Busted confirmed they are splitting up. I know it's stupid that I'm so upset about it but it would really help to see what they looked like when they were giving the news. Apparently Matt was crying, or something??? Either the internet or TV. Thanks x x x : (
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I dont know where but i am gutted as well. i love Busted they have only been going 2 years and i dont think they can split. i soooooooooooooo upset

:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(

Hi kool kitty again i know where 2 get all the info from. Go 2 www.busted.co.uk and look on there.

kool kitty.


..my daughter's just watched the conference bit on  Newsround on the cbbbc channel on digital...

A sad day true !! I'm more concerned for the session players behind the screen at the live gigs, what will they do now?


thank god less crap music now

Now if only mcfly and westlife got the message and sling their hooks.

The world would be that much happier.

Throw in any 'artist' whose name begins with DJ...,and any band (i use the term loosely), that 'features' anybody or 'samples' a tune from about 20 years ago and the world would be happier still !
heya wel u can actually watch the conference where busted admitted that they were splitting up :( matt wasnt crying there and then but his eyes were all puffy so u can tell he had bin

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