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RIP Dave Dee

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terambulan | 03:05 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Aaah....sob sob...died of cancer


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that song is sooooo nawty
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Y - what have I done? ure=related

a few more spins
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Lots of little boys were named Xanadu after this song......anyone know any?
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we were innocents bez.....whips were for jockeys and not DJs. Gotta catch the aussies....c u & ta for input. x
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whatfor you have to catch the aussies ???
That is very sad.

Apart from his pop career, Dave was pretty hot as a music industry businessman as well, he signed deals with AC/DC, Boney M and Gary Numan, and in his later life he was a magistrate.

The best trivia about Dave is that, as a police cadet, he was one of the first on the scene of the car crash that killed Eddie Cochran and injured Gene Vincent.

Great pop star, and by all accounts, a top bloke.

A sad loss.
Thats a shame :(, I do love that song :)
RIP Dave Dee. [o(

Here's one of my favs ....
not so trivial about dave was that he was with Freddie Mercury when Freddie passed, they were great friends

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RIP Dave Dee

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