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Ever had a jam sandwich?

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mrs.chappie | 21:57 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
57 Answers
When I was little (well, I still am little, but you know what I mean) my mam used to give us kids jam sandwiches for tea.

Even in her fifties, our mam still enjoyed a jam sandwich. Does anyone still have a jam sandwich?


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I grew up with the typical 'jelly 'n creamcheese' sandwiches of my american childhood

I know...all together now-eeeeuuuuccchhh!!
but I loved them... ;-))
Its YOU bensmum you bring it out in me?Fancy the Dungeon so i can nibble your ear? ffs lol
i've never had a jam sandwich, but had loads of jam butties!
got to be a thin spreading of strawberry jam on a milk roll.
Could that be golden shred ?
Garden Shed cab you pis*ed
I think you've been at the brandy this time stompe
Whatya like stompe not touched a drop I am on waggon.
Ive just seen a picture of you i and i carnt help myself!
Fool! cab
My comfort food is strawberry jam n strong cheddar cheese sandwiches:)
I cant bring that link up stompe.
ahh memories .... my mum used to make us date and honey sarnies. Mind you the three of us reckoned we learned to cook in sheer self-defence. (Sorry mum but you were a terrible cook.)
stompe u ignoring me what was that link ? xx
cab Would i Ignore you? my sex kitten!!!
OK stompe I concede, but I am a blonde bombshell, ooooooooh

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Ever had a jam sandwich?

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