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There are some wierd folk about....

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Eve | 21:56 Sat 10th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Popped into town earlier to try and find some cat food his highness will deign himself worthy of eating and saw a lady wearing ski pants with very high heels and then a man taking photographs of the outdoor urinals!

The mind boggles lol :)


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Lol jen ...hee ! Hope you're well hun , and keeping warm xxx
lol I was coming out of the supermarket yesterday and there was an old man with long hair wearing a string vest and jogging pants and he was strutting!
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Trying to keep warm :)

Wrapped up in my big fluffy dressing gown and a throw.

Hope you're good too :)

There's an OAP who looks at least 90 who frequents the shopping mall and she wears teenage clothes , and I mean really young girls clothes . Last time I saw her she had a cap , pink trackie bottoms , low slung , and a trackie crop top hoodie showing a rather flabby midrift ....hee....bless !
lol bigmamma, there are a few women like that who live near me, she must think the looks she get are purely complementary!!
Hee , yes cazzz !
There's another old lady who has trouble walking , and needs help getting onto the bus , but what's funny is the track suit with the go-faster stripes down the legs !
I have worked in a shopping centre for a couple of months, but not in a shop.

All life is in one of those places...every day something funny, totally abnormal or just plain poignant....
The best was an old guy in womans pleated skirt and heels......walking with head held high...

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There are some wierd folk about....

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