I recently formatted my hard drive and reinstalled the o/s and drivers - the sound is now cracly and broken up but when I restart the computer it works fine - until I leave it for a day then when I switch the computer on the sound is again broken up -any ideas whats gone wrong ?
One other thing - when i was inserting the driver disc nortons threw a wobbler and blocked a file named - c:\huadio.tmp what is the file and what does it do ?
Sound was working ok before formatting.
i would reinstall the chip set drivers which contain the audio.
i never install anti virus or firewall untill I've done the drivers obviously i dont connect to b/band for updates till i have.
p.s. disable your norton firewall when reinstalling the chip set dont have your internet connection on.
if you've not just bought the norton prog i would get rid of it and use the norton removal tool as well (free)
i have used for years avast anti-virus / comodo firewall
spybot /adware / spywareblaster/ all free and never had any problems
Do I have to uninstall the chipset drivers first ?
And I will turn nortons off before reinstalling them -As for Nortons - I have never had any problems with it and have used it for years since i first owned a computer - yes it does slow down the compiuter down a bit but as i said no problems with it -and i use SPybot as well.