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Red stars

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vicious_sid | 23:53 Sun 28th Dec 2008 | Science
5 Answers
which is the nearest red star to Orion and could someone point out its location in relation to above hunter


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Aldebaran is here in Taurus the bullseye in the Hyades cluster between Orion and the Pleiades
Do you mean Betelgeuse which is Orion's "right shoulder" star?

It is part of the constellation and is a red supergiant star about 600 light years from the Sun.
If you mean the star of spectral type M (Red) closest to, but external of, the constellation boundary for Orion then a more likely candidate is the variable star V0719 Mon (Hipparcos catalogue number 30185) situated on the edge of the constellation Monoceros (The Unicorn) ... RA 06h 21m 31s; Dec +02� 33' 51"
. . . henceforth and forevermore to be referred to by me as kempie 1
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Many thanks for all your answers - the MRS is very grateful - what she was actually seeing was the orion nebula

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Red stars

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