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lol @ disabled people

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-gem- | 10:38 Fri 29th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
50 Answers
Always confused me this....on the one hand british people are caring compasionate and defensive towards many disabled people. For example, if someone said 'yeah, your grandad, the old Parkinson's ridden fool', you'd rightly get pretty annoyed.
But some disabilities get taken the mickey out of, and no one cares?
Like made David Blunkett's eyes go funny. But comedians could impersonate that and make jokes about his blindness with impunity.
If someone has a mental illness it seems roughly the same. My ex-boyfriend had Bi-Polar Depression, and his mates made fun of it quite a bit, which upset me.
What disabilities are ok to make fun of in the public eye, and why?


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Well that actually inadvertently summarises exactly what I thought was the intention of your question.

So thank you for your time.
theres a way in which to address a question.
-- answer removed --
Yer he couldn�t be hot if he was wearing a replica body and face suit of brad pitt
I know ND, but we should't mock disabilities and impairment.
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I can't help my feelings for someone. He's not even my race!
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I'm sorry Octavius, I was a bit harsh on you. You caught me at a very bad moment.
I always suspected he wasn't part of the human race.

Gem, nevermind eh.
Hello Octavius,

I seen you where asking people if they had seen the program the crippendales,

If you have seen it Octavius, I hope you liked it I am Lee from the Crippendales the one that got the group together I am the one in the wheelchair,

If you would like to ask me about anything to do with the program and I will be more then happy to reply to you,

Regards Lee Kemp,

AKA badboylee

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lol @ disabled people

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