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general noseyness

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liverpoolfoo | 22:09 Wed 14th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
Hi guys anyone know wot the most popular owl in britain is?


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Simon Cowl
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Very gud dot but NO ha ha
most popular?? what you mean the most liked?

most common I think is the tawny owl
Barn Owl then
a t.towel................they are very common in my kitchen.......
Question Author
Thats it stokemaveric
lol liverpoofoo glad i could have been of some help........
Screech Owl! Always shouting yelling complaining!!
I didn't think screech owls were in Britain, but people often call barn owls screech owls because of the noise they make. I would think a barn owl is the most popular.
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Dear barmaid just take a look at the answer stokemaveric gave. It is a joke do you get it TEAT-OWL
how is a Tea Towel popular? i don't get it.
Oh ha ha! I was just reading Mary T's answer. But I was on the phone at the same time so not giving my full concentration!

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