I have noticed that no-one else is asking about photo 10 in the North East Section of the Superbrain Quiz does this mean you have all got it and I should give up and go home !!!!??? Anybody out there please have a look !! http://thenorthernecho.co.uk/leisure/superbrai n/quiz / If the link still isn't working properly access via their site map or just key northen echo superbrain 2008 and that will work , remember to scrol down to the section Thanks from a weary old man,
Someone did ask Q 10 yesterday. Redwing maybe. I took a look but don't recognise them. Did you google pop duos of the North East?
Did you find the freedom of the tokyo toyshop star and the prix de jeunesse runner up of 1974?
It would be nice to have some feedback.
I have no idea either. I've tried searching for pop duos, rock duos, brothers in a band etc etc etc and still no luck. Irritating thing is I think I've seen that picture before, and when I see the answer I'll be kicking myself!