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stompe | 21:21 Fri 16th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
33 Answers
Isn,t it great the way the girlees duck Questions!


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Don't start with that plenty more fish sh!te! They are fekkin minnows or sharks!
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It was built out of a Vim bottle with a Sheeps Heart on top. Won a badge from Blue Peter!
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Barmaid pull yourself together your a professional Person with a great personality
-- answer removed --
Look I am allowed a few nights off getting shedded and feeling the world is against me!!!!!!!

Remember, I am also human, female and hurting right now.
No problem

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Barmaid Specially for you!!
oh OK

You got me at hello - DI I AM!
Angelina ballerina
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Bloody hell its Lesley! at last! woulnt be Lesley Hornby Would it?
No - I was never blond

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