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Tell the truth.

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Gourmander | 14:53 Sun 18th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Are you a good liar? I've got quite a good memory, so I never get caught out. At home, work, or with mates, it makes no difference, practise makes perfect.


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nope rubbish
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Well lets face it whiffey you are the biggest liar on here and have had plenty of practise
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Noguts, told you before, get back to the sewer!!
yeah im good! been running circles around the dimwit twins leg&knob for years,so much so now they dont know their @rses from their elbows!
Ive no neeed to.
I watch the others tho


fantasy time lol
Dont see the point in lying -wouldnt want to hurt anyones feelings though so have varying degrees of telling the truth.

DTH Whiffy ?
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Yep, noticed that Dris!

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Tell the truth.

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