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Snowing in manchester

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ladybird49 | 13:27 Mon 19th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Huge flakes but melting cos its been raining ... have you got snow?


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We never have snow.
(okay, slight exaggeration ... but not often)
no, and I dont want any thank you
I'd quite like some. Everything looks jolly. A few years ago, someone built a big snowman on the beach.
Lots of snow in Liverpool too.

As with Manchester, not sticking due to wet ground.
Just looked out my window now in NW Lancs. It wasn't sticking due to this mornings rain, but it's snowing really heavily now and some if the bloody stuff is sodding sticking :-(
Still bl*dy horrible hear york but no snow .

I am going to the pictures about 3.00 to see slum dog

then I'M of for a pub lunch that should keep the cold out :-)

chin chin
It would be great stuff if it fell, stayed nice and white then disappeared after a while but unfortunatley it doesn't, still Mrs P likes it and Max the dog loves it so I'm always out-voted and forced out into it instead of doing the sensible thing and stopping where its warm and dry

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Snowing in manchester

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