Oh Fred, has the Inner Temple gone over to the New Pronunciation? What, decree nissy and all? Even Oxford has all but caved in, but in my day it was Benny-dick-tuss benny die cat, and the closing one was "Benedicto benedicatur" [Benny-dick-toe benny die cater], or 'The Blessed One be blessed'. In the reductionist college where I was a Fellow, that is. In my undergraduate college it was (to the best of my recollection, at any rate!) "Benignissime Pater, qui providentia tua regis, liberalitate pascis et benedictione conservas omina quae creaveris, benedicas nobis, te quaesumus, et hisce creaturis tuis in usum nostrum, ut illae sanctificatae sint et nobis salutares, et ut nos inde corroborati magis apti reddamur ad omnia opera bona in laudem tui Nominis aeterni, per Jesum Christum Dominum nostrum."
If they're such a well-educated crowd of Christian gentlefolk, give 'em that!