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Should we bring back.....

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stompe | 19:12 Tue 20th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
46 Answers
Good evening everyone. ........... Corporal Punishment at Schools? Do you Smack your children? The little sh1ts think and do get away with murder these days.


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Where are all the do gooders then? Seems like everyone so far agrees!
Yes, I am in favour of it. I think they should bring back Captial Punishment at schools. We had it at our school, and it never did us any harm.
100% Yes. but thanks to the HR you have more Violence. They are gifted with brains.
a good post velvetee!
Lol - well if you had capital punishment at your school Johnny, you wouldn't be around to tell the tale now. : )
My area is in Adult Learning and they don't often misbehave! Mind you I imagine some of them would enjoy the discipline .!
We used to get all sorts thrown at us if we misbehaved in class but there was no aggression in our behaviour unlike today. I see lots of children with behavioural problems but there are so many parents who have no idea of how to set or enforc boundaries. We run parenting classes but often the parents who really need this are the ones who will deny there is a problem.

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Should we bring back.....

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