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So glad the fighting is over.

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puss_boots | 00:01 Wed 21st Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Chico is sorted, but there are a few people I know who I would love to punch. but I value my freedom so I restrain myself. I'll bet that most people know someone who would deserve a quick slap, so who do you know who you would like to slap.


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puss can relate to that, i have to give handovers to a woman that i detest previous issues,must be condtioned and say good morning and alike i am sick off being professional when i want to punch her lights out!!
In self defence - definitely, but ne er first, no matter what a person said to me. Words can flatten a person better than punches.
Oops! Missed that letter out, didn't I!!!
: )
totally agree violence never solves anything at all!!!!!!!! Nor does it sort anything out
Oh - except for instance, pink! Wanted to slap the last dentist who insisted on drilling a tooth, even though 5 (you read it correctly) injections had no effect on me. Horrible.
And - I want to slap this keyboard! I know I'm typing stuff in properly, but it's not showing up! Grrrr.
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gee thanks ice I'll go in armed tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

with my tongue of course five him a bit of whip lash!!!!!!!
Well, I thought about bashing this dentist rk - but just pushed him away instead! Anyone else? No....don't think so. Leave the fantasizing to other areas.

Anyway pink - my current dentist's beautiful. I just hate going there, full stop. : (
Let us know how you get on. x
watch the sky news headlines for budapest. And the weather a big storm brewing around the dental region!!!!!!1
Rofl!!! Dare I say it'll be a breeze???? : )
I'm sure eveything'll go OK.
Is the weather OK over there, seriously?
yeah weather okish pretty cold .But hey there is a tornedo due tomorrow of irish origin!!!!
Nah - it'll be calm hun.
What are you having done exactly???? : (
well had bad accident whilst abroad before. Shower rail came off wall on way out of shower split chin and smashed some back teeth so have to get some crowns and bridges
Oh god - you mentioned that. Thought that was ages ago though.
Awww......are you being "put out"???
it was i took a while plucking up the courage to go to dentist the cost in ireland threw me even more. Got work done slowly aas am not a fan of dentist this is my final round!!!!!!!!!!!
I feel for you, hun. If it was me, I wouldn't be able to sleep - but it might be much better than you think. I've heard some good reports about various treatments abroad, so good luck!
there is lots of cosmetic clinics here too not my thing but they may ask me to be a pin up instead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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